Untold Untruths

Mike Wozowski is gobsmacked for good reason.


Thursday, July 13

Fiesta Mardi Gras

I want to start with: "after one month of haute couture and steamy catwalks," but I can't because it was hardly any of that. Mostly it was a shabby reproduction of what we keep seeing on television, only we couldn't "watch ourselves watch ourselves on the little monitor", mercy. Not to say I didn't enjoy myself, because I really did. Everyone enjoys the glamour of spotlight, and the sound of chanting crowds. It's a heady rush and not everyone can afford to not enjoy themselves being crowned Ms KDU. Muahahhaha.

But I just read Invisible Monsters and it makes me wonder at the affectedness of it all.

Don't think I understood much of the book. Palahniuk writes about that "fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention" and I'm feeling a little of that now, only I think I rushed through because I don't even know where I should've been paying attention :/

God give me wisdom!!
