Untold Untruths
Mike Wozowski is gobsmacked for good reason.
Thursday, August 11
The haze is despicable. It puts all sorts of the most horrifying thoughts in your head, like
"is this what armegeddon will be like?",
"is this part of Revelation?" or worst of all,
"will anyone I know die because of this noxious pandemic?"
God help us... I can't stand it anymore. It's as though some huge, cruel, odious alien monster in outer space is breathing cigarette smoke down on Malaysia, eyeing us with beady, malicious eyes, hoping to choke us to death. They can't be serious when they say it'll be here plaguing us all the way till October! October! Saints preserve us, that we shall live that long!
(I'm using Cus' precious black and silver Anti-RSI keyboard. I hate this confounded keyboard.)
Supposed to be studying physics, but my breakfast-cum-study table is flooded with rubbish and every single room in the house reeks of hellfire.
How is anyone to study in such forbidding circumstances??? Curse Sumatera and Putrajaya! Couldn't they have chosen another time to go up in flames? Like this December perhaps, when mum might actually take us to Beijing or at the very least - Johor! Oh, to be away from this cauldron of suffocating hell!
Just a few more days to tote the weary load...
Days! My foot.
* Lovely vocabulary
(to grace the hateful haze with the next time it piques my savagery)
1. pestilence
2. Bubonic plague
3. epidemic (note: endemic - common)
"is this what armegeddon will be like?",
"is this part of Revelation?" or worst of all,
"will anyone I know die because of this noxious pandemic?"
God help us... I can't stand it anymore. It's as though some huge, cruel, odious alien monster in outer space is breathing cigarette smoke down on Malaysia, eyeing us with beady, malicious eyes, hoping to choke us to death. They can't be serious when they say it'll be here plaguing us all the way till October! October! Saints preserve us, that we shall live that long!
(I'm using Cus' precious black and silver Anti-RSI keyboard. I hate this confounded keyboard.)
Supposed to be studying physics, but my breakfast-cum-study table is flooded with rubbish and every single room in the house reeks of hellfire.
How is anyone to study in such forbidding circumstances??? Curse Sumatera and Putrajaya! Couldn't they have chosen another time to go up in flames? Like this December perhaps, when mum might actually take us to Beijing or at the very least - Johor! Oh, to be away from this cauldron of suffocating hell!
Just a few more days to tote the weary load...
Days! My foot.
* Lovely vocabulary
(to grace the hateful haze with the next time it piques my savagery)
1. pestilence
2. Bubonic plague
3. epidemic (note: endemic - common)