Untold Untruths

Mike Wozowski is gobsmacked for good reason.


Sunday, July 24

Making it plain on... Tablets?

I meant my last post to be a heart-rending, tearful, sob-inducing piece of writing but after re-reading it... I don't suppose anybody can feel anything without having first read Ee Ling's blog. Shows how badly I fail to communicate my emotions. Mmm.

Long way to go, Krys.

Listened to Mr. Rao babble on again about money, careers and stuff on Friday. He made a couple of good points, and got me set on a few resolute goals. Then on Saturday, Pastor talked about Habakkuk 2:2 - writing your vision down. Thought it was all very conveniently in tandem, so here we go:

Vision for My Future
1. Go to university
2. Be a professional
3. Get out of this country
4. Earn good money
5. Study finance

These are the more solid, material visions. I don't think there is much point in listing down my liquid dreams because they constantly change and sometimes evaporate, but here are the ones that I find most consistent.

Liquid Dreams
1. Be as good as Michael Turner/Alex Ross (Drawing/Painting)
2. Be as good as Sir/Ayn Rand (Language/Writing)
3. Marry the man of my dreams
4. Live in the house of my dreams :)
5. Develop the rest of my talents

Not much point to this post but these two lists, so I'm going to end here :)
